From the moment I heard about
this exhibition I had high hopes. The British Library always do fantastic
exhibitions, and this just sounding fascinating. Entering the exhibition
gallery, the design was spot on as always. More stripped back than some of the
designs for previous exhibitions, but just right. The exhibition was split into
six sections; rural dreams, dark satanic mills, wild places, beyond the city,
cockney visions, and waterlands. Don't they just sound so enticing! For several
sections they had created soundscapes to help fully immerse you in that
particular section.
There were some utterly
fantastic items on display, spanning the centuries. Plenty of medieval
manuscripts, but also those created far more recently - J. K. Rowling, and Ian
McEwan spring to mind. Often modern and historic documents were side by side.
This was particularly noticable in the 'rural dreams' section, highlighting the
fact concerns about the changing face of Britain have not changed all that
much. The section started with a look at the green man, and the various myths
surrounding him, which included a range of material, including a manuscript of Sir
Gawain and the Green Knight. ‘Rural dreams’ also
contained a painting by J. R. R. Tolkein. Something that came out quite
strongly throughout the exhibition for me was the importance of images with
'Dark satanic mills' focused on
the industrial revolution onwards. The atmosphere changed from that of the
‘rural dreams’ section whereby paintings and pictures were on display of rural
scenes, to this dark section, industrial sounds playing in the background,
photos of smoke gushing from factory chimneys along the top of the display
cases. It was interesting to read about how very different reactions were to
these developments; some writers focusing on the benefits of developments,
others on what was being lost. There were texts with painfully detailed
descriptions of the living conditions of the workers in industrial towns.
Next was the ‘wild places’
section. The name instantly brought to mind the Brontës and also Hardy’s Return
of the Native. I wasn’t disappointed; here there
were handwritten treasures from Emily Brontë and also mentions of the famous
Egdon Heath of Return of the Native, so
beautifully described throughout. Also included in this section was a
manuscript of the works of Gerald of Wales. Having studied the contents of this
text previously it was rather exciting to see the original document.
The ‘beyond the city’ section was
laid out interestingly, each display case in its own little compartment. I have
to say my favourite section of this was the metroland part. The idea of
creating a whole vision of how nice the suburbs of London could be with the
spreading of the underground, and the poem written about the towns on the
metropolitan line which you could listen to through headphones really touched a
chord with me. I also found the idea that places that once seemed so far away
(the example given being Islington) now seem much closer fascinating.
Next onto ‘cockney visions’ and
the main section on London. Walking through London has inspired many a writer,
both with its beauty, and the horrors within, and this was captured wonderfully
by the pieces on display. I particularly enjoyed the picture of the white
rabbit in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, dressed
as a City businessman, rushing around, and descending down into the
Finally onto the ‘waterlands’
section. I admit by this point my concentration was wavering, which was a great
shame as there was still so much to see. Again, the atmosphere was set with
sounds, and images, and the odd video clip. The creation of the idea of the
seaside town, and the both positive and negative portrayals this led to, as
well as the importance of the Thames, and Britain as an
island nation were all brought out in this final area.
Overall, another wonderful
exhibition from the British Library. There was almost too much to see. A
wonderful selection of material from all different centuries. This really shows
Britain, and British talent at its best. It gives a real appreciation for the
ever changing landscape of Britain, the beauty and danger of the wild
countryside, the contrast between the wealth and poverty in the large cities,
and how this wonderful country has inspired so many. The exhibition also
featured an interactive map with people’s comments on areas of the country
which they associate heavily with particular texts or authors. (If you wish to
contribute, or to have a look at other’s thoughts visit
This map certainly brought home the idea that not only does Britain inspire
authors, but also that certain areas have now become synonymous with particular
scenes in stories, or with the authors themselves. I certainly went away with a
new appreciation of the landscape of Britain, as well as many new pieces of
literature to delve into.
The exhibition runs until 25th
September 2012.