Wednesday, 10 March 2021

WWW Wednesday, 10th March 2021

 The WWW Wednesday book tag is hosted by Taking On a World of Words.

The three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you'll read next?

What are you currently reading?
I'm about half way through The Fellowship of the Ring and really enjoying it so far. It's a lot funnier than I was expecting, and the hobbits are such likeable characters. I'm enjoying the relative comfort of the opening before it gets darker further into the series. I also recently downloaded the Walk to Mordor app, and although my journey is taking a lot longer to walk than read, it's a nice little side entertainment. Wouldn't we all love to be on our way to Rivendell to see out the rest of lockdown?

What did you recently finish reading?

This week I finished reading On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous. It had been recommended to me as a brilliant non-fiction read so I was surprised to discover it is actually a novel, albeit one that draws on the lived experiences of the author. A reasonably short book, it really packed a punch. There were some deeply unsettling passages as well as moments of real tenderness. Characters were well developed and even if they didn't get a huge amount of space you got a real sense of where they were coming from and what deep impulses led them to the actions they were taking. There's violence and conflict within but also love and acceptance.

What do you think you'll read next?
It feels like a while since I've not known what the next few books I'll read are, the shelves of books left unread for years crying out for some attention. I'll either be picking up a non-fiction, probably in the shape How Was It For You? Women, Sex, Love and Power in the 1960s, or I'll finally start a book I've been intrigued by for the longest time, and that I picked up in a charity shop last year - Wide Sargasso Sea. 


  1. I am curious about How Was It For You? Enjoy...and I couldn't leave my link!

    1. Glad you managed to get the link to work, it was interesting seeing all the books you've been reading.
      How Was It For You? does sound really interesting, I shouldn't have left it so long to actually start it haha.
