Wednesday, 14 April 2021

British Cheese on Toast: Over 100 Recipes with Farmhouse Cheeses, Steven Parker

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Cheese on toast - a cheap and cheerful meal and the perfect comfort food for a cold winter’s day. In this book Parker elevates this humble favourite into whole new realms. The recipes are varied and offer alternative cheeses to use that can be picked up in most supermarkets (it can get pricey buying all the cheeses featured!). Split into cheese types you can head straight for your favourite or flick through until a combination catches your eye. The descriptions contain information on whether or not the cheese is vegetarian, and the index also helpfully labels them such so you can easily identify them. 

Parker’s recipes range from simple store cupboard ingredients to the more elaborate (one recipe calls for a bottle of sparkling wine!) but there’s such great variety there’ll be a recipe for every cheese lover. I’ve gone for a mix of the recommended farmhouse cheeses and supermarket bought but all recipes have been delicious. My favourite so far has to be truffle cheddar with chopped roasted hazelnuts and a little honey. 

If you can drag your eyes away from all the tempting recipes for long enough there’s also some additional information about the types of cheese and the history of cheesemaking. A recipe book exclusively consisting of cheese on toast recipes might not sound like the most inspired option, but the recipes in this book are so creative and tempting you’ll soon realise the versatility of this simple, much loved meal.


  1. Yum! Truffle cheddar sounds absolutely dreamy! xx

    Lynn |
