Friday, 25 November 2011

Wholemeal raisin muffins

For those of you who were most distressed by my last post that my friend didn't get her birthday cupcakes, fear not, I made her a slight variation (and possibly a slight improvement) of the chocolate chip cupcakes that I shared a few months ago on here.

For my latest baking endeavour, however, I decided for a slightly less indulgent and possibly a little healthier (or perhaps just a bit less unhealthy...) option. My Gran recently gave me her recipe for wholemeal scones, and it got me thinking that I had never tried making cakes with wholemeal flour. Here's how it turned out....

Here's how to make them:
  • Preheat the oven to gas mark 4 and fill a 12 hole muffin tin with muffin cases.
  • Take 8 oz. caster sugar and 8 oz. Stork margarine and cream together well.
  • In a separate bowl whisk 4 large eggs, add them to the butter mix, and beat in.
  • Gradually sieve in 4 oz. self raising flour and 4 oz. wholemeal self raising flour and fold in.
  • Pour in some raisins (here again I'm going to be quite unspecific I'm afraid. I like lots in my cakes so added quite a lot, but it's entirely up to taste. Ideally make sure there is quite an even spread of raisins throughout the whole mix, but not so that they out-number the cake mix!).
  • Spoon into the muffin cases (I had enough mix for four little cakes as well) and pop into the oven for 20-30 mins.

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